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Posted by : Seulgi Januari 13, 2013

Pernahkah kalian bermain games GTA San Andreas?? di PC maupun di PS2.. Ternyata game ini banyak menyimpan misteri yg terkadang tidak kita sadari, tanpa bacod ayoo kita liat:

1.CJ Mom Ghost
    CJ Mom Ghost adalah hantu ibu nya CJ, banyak yg bilang misteri ini cuma MOD (modifikasi)doank, nah kalo kalian pengen liat, cukup mudah, kalian tinggal ke rumah CJ yg lama di deket kota 1 di ganton, nah datang tepat nya tengah malam, liat ntar hantu ibu cj bakal muncul dari tangga dan suka juga muncul di depan TV ,kalo mau liat di depan TV harus pake kamera, kalo gw udah pernah liat ini, punya gw GTA San Andreas versi DragonBall Z pasti nya udah di MOD

2.The LeatherFace
    The LeatherFace atau Si wajah kulit ini cukup menyeramkan, ini BUKAN orang gila, ini misteri, mungkin ini hantu dari pegawai di pabrik kayu (pemikiran gw), soalnya kita gak bisa bunuh dia semudah itu, kalo mau bunuh The LeatherFace ini harus pake Minigun atau Magnum yg peluru nya terbuat dari perak. The LeatherFace bukan ditemukan di Shaddy's Creek, karna gw udah nyari di Shaddy's Creek, gw tunggu-tunggu tapi gak ada, yang ada itu di wilayah THE Pacapnation (yaa kira-kira begitu tulisan nya), disana ada pabrik kayu, nah tunggu tengah malam, tapi kalian harus sembunyi. Kalo gw pake Jetpack jadi kalo dia dateng dan ngejer gw, gw terbang pake jetpack biggrin

3.BigFoot FootPrint in MAP
    Nah walaupun kaset games GTA gw udah di MOD tapi selama sebulan gw maen GTA belum nemu-nemu ni makhluk, kata nya  BigFoot ada di daerah hutan Back o Beyond yg di peta GTA kayak gambar telapak kaki, tapi udah gw telusuri, kampret lah gak ada, jadi kalo ketemu sama BigFoot ajak kenalan eh salah maksud gw, lari kayak ngadepin The LeatherFace.

4.Jembatan Tanpa Gravitasi
     Jembatan ini juga belum gw temui, tapi seperti kata mbah google, jembatan ini adalah jembatan anti gravitasi, jadi kalo kita ke jembatan ini kita bakal nemu tempat pijakan dan kita bakal terjatuh (kurang ngerti juga gw)

5.Secret Place
     Nah ini tempat rahasia bray, gw udah temuin ini, kalo mau kesana cara nya, kan lo tau rumah CJ, di deket rumah CJ ada tempat GYM, kalo lo gak tau ya udah, kalo kita mau ke rumah CJ kan ada lintasan rel kereta api, nah dari rel itu kita belok kiri dan bakal nemu tempat GYM di ganton. Nah pas kita udah sampe di tempat Gym,kita cari sudut ruangan yg gelap dan jangan lupa pake jetpack trus cari pintu dan jrenngg.,. jrenngg disitu ada hotel, tempat pacuan kuda, balapan, dll lah..

6.Alam Baka (akherat)
     Nah kalo ini misteri yg gw temui sendiri, ini ada di tempat boxing ,apa yee nama nyee, lupa gw pokok nya ada di tempat BOXING, nah lo lakuin yg sama kayak cara Secret Place tadi dan Lo bakal nembus ke alam akherat, yg pertama sich neraka tapi siap-siap aja wasted, gw juga gak tau kenapa kalo ke alam baka kita bakal langsung wasted.

7.Rusty Wheel Chair (Kursi Berkarat)
     Yang ini menurut gw biasa aja, dan gw juga belum temui,tapi kata temen gw, dia udah nemuin dan kursi roda ini gak bisa ngapa-ngapain cuma berkarat doank, entahlah mengapa orang memasukan ini sebagai misteri, mungkin karena cuma kursi roda ini yg paling jelek (MUNGKIN)

8.Screaming Voice (Suara Teriakan)
     Ini cuma berupa teriakan suara aja kok sob, entah suara darimana, tapi ini bakal kedenger kalo tengah malem, kalo pagi - sore gak bakal denger deh lo, yg di google itu pada ngaco semua, gw udah pernah ngelakuin ini, gw ke daerah back o beyond pada pagi hari, apa yg gw denger?? SENYAP , SUNYI menn.. Terus gw ke daerah Mount Chilliad juga pada siang hari ,dan apa yg gw denger?? Breeuummm breeuumm suara motor yg ada di jalan raya, nah gw kembali ke back o beyond lagi, gw kesana kira-kira jam 00.15,, dan gw gede'in tuh volume,ajeebbb gw kedengeran tuh suara, kayak suara teriakan hewan terus teriakan cewe.

9.Pohon Hantu
     Nah yg ini juga gw nemuin sendiri ni misteri, gw kasih nama pohon hantu, KENAPA?? karna ni pohon gak napak di tanah, ini ada di daerah hutan back o beyond, waktu tuh gw keliling di peta GTA , trus ujan tuh, gw berenti di hutan back o beyond, gw iseng-iseng deketin pohon gede banget, trus gw deketin dia ilang coyy, terus mau gw tembak, gak bisa, padahal gw udah pake cheat PELURU Tak Terbatas, terus gw nembak ke arah atas, BISA sob, terus gw coba nembak tuh pohon, eh ilang dia, gw cari-cari gak nemu.

10.Suicidal Pedestarian (Pejalan Kaki yang Bunuh Diri)
      Ini belum gw temui, ni ada di daerah Flint County di deket sungai, disana ada orang yang bunuh diri dengan masuk ke sungai, dan tengah malam arwah nya bakal naek ke atas.

11.Ghost Vortex
     Ini udah gw temui di Bayside Marina, di deket sungai tuh, sebener nya ini bergerak karna arus sungai bukan bergerak sendiri, wah paraahhhh yg buat nya nii.. Malah Vortex bisa gw cheat sendiri.

12.Mistery in Blueberry
     Kagak ngerti dah gw sama misteri yg satu ini, ini adalah cahaya biru yg ada di Blueberry dan Red Country kata nya sebagai penanda kemunculan The LeatherFace, nah yg gw bingung, letak hutan Shaddys Creek aja berjauhan sama Blueberry dan Red Country, kenapa tanda nya ada disana?? Nyoott lah..Mungkin cahaya biru ini cuma efek macet kaset doank. Karna sampe sekarang gw belum temuin.

      Ahh yg ini cuma MOD doank coyy. ini ada di daerah Shaddys Creek, Mount Chilliad dan Las Venturas, kalo gw sich pake cheat doank udah langsung ada tuh ufo.

14.Body Bag
     Di daerah Verdant Meadows di ujang landasan pacu pesawat yg terdapat lubang misterius berisi benda hitam.

15.Misterious Figure in Ghost City
       Ini adalah figure tambahan di ghost city. lokasi ghost city di El Castillo Del Diablo, las venturas/desert. figure ini tidak menyerang dan dapat dilihat selama beberapa detik saja kemudian menghilang. jam 22:00.

16.Bunga Kesialan
     Ni yg temuin temen gw, coba ente ke daerah El Castillo Del Diablo di hutan nya ada sebuah rumah, yg di depan nyee ada 2 kuburan, di tengah nya ada bunga, kalo kalian ambil tuh bunga, nanti bakal ada pesawat nimpa kalian.

17.Easter Eggs
     Yg ini juga gw gak ngerti apa maksud nya cuma tulisan "There are no easter eggs up here. Go away" di jembatan merah San Fierro.

18.Strange Call
     Nah yg ini gw bingung, kata nya kalo kita nyelesai'in misi dan belum punya pacar maka pada jam 3.33 dimanapun kamu berada bakal ada telepon misterius, tapi yg gw bingung di gambar kok jam nyaa 3.35

19.Strange Telephone Number
     Nomor ini ada di save house madd dogs mansion, nomor nyaa 333-747123 ,, alah udah gw telpon tapi customer bilang 'Nomor yg anda masukan salah'

20.Cluckin Bell in Fort Carson
      Menurut gw ini gak aneh, tapi waktu gw liat di google, kata nya aneh soal nya ini Cluckin Bell yg satu-satu nya tutup jam 12 malem

21.Ghost Grafitty
     Nah yg ini belum gw temui, Nah yg ini berupa gambar grafitty yg kadang ilang kadang muncul, tengah malam grafitty ini bakal muncul tapi kalo mau menuju pagi - sore gak ada, gak tau dimana ni daerah nya.

22.Ghost Car
     Kalo menurut gw ini antara Mod sama Efek, ini ada nya di daerah hutan Shaddys creek, kata orang bisa jalan sendiri, terus gw ke hutan shaddys creek, APA yg gw temui?? Banyak mobil rusak kayak gitu di hutan malah gak bisa jalan, kalo pun ada itu cuma bohongan doank menurut gw karna mobil nya di daerah yg miring tanah nya, nah kalo temen gw pernah nemuin, karnet kaset nya emang udah di MOD versi full.

     Nah itu yg bisa gw jelasin kepada kalian yg penasaran dgn misteri ini, sory gw gak pake gambar soal nyaa ntar ngeberatin ni blog mrgreen memang misteri ini, dulu memang real ada nya di kaset GTA san andreas, pengembang rockstar saja tdk mengetahui tapi ada pegawai yg memasukan misteri ini ke dalam games tsb dgn bertujuan biar makin seru dan laku, tapi sekarang udah dihilangkan dan di edit kembali oleh pihak rockstar north selaku pengembang, dan misteri itu sekarang udah gak ada, tapi banyak pengemar games GTA yg me-modifikasi games tsb dgn GTA SA versi Dragonball Z, Batman, Superman, pemaen bola, Armagedon, bahkan Upin-Ipin, cuma beda karakter doank tapi misi dan cerita tetep sama, dan keuntungan kaset GTA SA yg udah di MOD adalah kita bisa melihat misteri-misteri di atas, kalo versi original (asli) kita harus beli yg versi alfa kalo versi beta itu udah dihilangkan segala misteri nya.

Have you ever played games GTA San Andreas?? on the PC and the PS2 .. Apparently this game is a lot of mystery that sometimes we do not realize, without bacod Ayoo we see:

Mom 1.CJ Ghost
    CJ Ghost Mom was her mother's ghost CJ, many sources say it's just a mystery MOD (modification) talaga, well if you want to see, is quite easy, you stay home that old CJ deket first city in Ganton, well up on his midnight , clay Myspace cj mom ghost would appear from the stairs and the like also appeared in front of the TV, if you want to see in front of the TV have to use a camera, if i ve never see this, i got GTA San Andreas version of DragonBall Z its definitely already in MOD

2.The Leatherface
    The Leatherface or The facial skin is quite creepy, this is NOT crazy, this mystery, this might be the ghost of employees at sawmills (i thought), because we can not kill him that easy, if you want to kill the Leatherface should use Minigun or Magnum bullet that was made of silver. The Leatherface is not found in Shaddy's Creek, because i already looked for in Shaddy's Creek, i been waiting for but it was not there, that there was in the THE Pacapnation (yaa so to speak of his writings), there was a lumber mill, now waiting for midnight , but you have to hide. If i use Jetpack so if he dateng and ngejer gw, gw pake jetpack flying

3.BigFoot footprint in MAP
    Well although tapes GTA games i already in MOD but for a month maen gw nemu-nemu GTA yet ni creature, said his BigFoot in Back o Beyond the forest area on the map that GTA kayak foot picture, but i already search, shucks is not there , so if met at BigFoot whom one acquaintance er i mean, run like ngadepin The Leatherface.

4.Jembatan Without Gravity
     Gw bridge is also not yet met, but as the word google, this bridge is a bridge anti-gravity, so if we go to this bridge we will find any where footing and we'll fall (less well understood gw)

5.Secret Place
     Now this secret place bray, i already temuin this, if you want to get there in her manner, her home tau lo CJ, at CJ house deket no place GYM, lo if ya do not know already, if we want to CJ's house there are railroad tracks , well off the rails, we turn left and will find any place in Ganton GYM. Now we've arrived at the fitting where the Gym, we find that dark corner of the room and do not forget to use the jetpack trus find the door and jrenngg.,. jrenngg there is a hotel, where horse racing, racing, etc lah ..

6.Alam Baka (Hereafter)
     Well if this is a mystery who I met myself, boxing is in place, what yee nyee name, i forgot his principal is in place BOXING, well lo lakuin same way like that and Lo Secret Place will penetrate into the realm of the hereafter, who first sich hell but ready aja wasted, I also do not know why if we're going to the afterlife immediately wasted.

7.Rusty Wheel Chair (Chair Rustic)
     That's according to the usual gw aja, and I also have not met, but my friend said I, and she's already nemuin wheelchair can not doing anything just rusty talaga, I do not know why people enter this as a mystery, probably because only the most wheelchair ugly (MAY)

8.Screaming Voice (Voice Cries)
     It's just a voice shouts aja kok sob, where the sound either, but if the center is going kedenger Malem, if the morning - afternoon not going to hear deh lo, that in google it at all silly, i already did this once, i to the back o beyond in the morning, what i hear?? Silent, Silent Menn .. I continue to the Mount Chilliad also during the day, and what i hear?? Breeuummm breeuumm existing motor noise on the highway, now i back to back o beyond again, i get there at about 0:15, and i gede'in volume tuh, tuh kedengeran ajeebbb gw sound, like the sound of cries of animals kept shouting girl.

9.Pohon Ghost
     Well that's also nemuin own gw ni mystery, i love ghost tree name, WHY?? ni karna not Napak tree in the ground, it was in the woods back o beyond, gw tuh time around in GTA map, then ujan tuh, gw berenti in the woods back o beyond, gw fad deketin really big trees, then i deketin him ilang coyy, keep going i shoot, can not, even though i already use cheat BULLET Unlimited, continues gw shot upward, CAN sob, i kept trying to shoot tuh tree, eh ilang him, i was looking not find any.

10.Suicidal Pedestarian (Walking a Suicide)
      Gw is not met, ni is in Flint County area in deket the river, there's a man who committed suicide by going into the river, and his spirit will be midnight naek up.

11.Ghost Vortex
     Gw is already met in Bayside Marina, in deket river tuh, sebener his moves because of the river and not move on their own, who made his wah paraahhhh nii .. In fact Vortex can i cheat yourself.

12.Mistery in Blueberry
     Nope i understand dah same mystery this one, this is a blue light that was in Blueberry and Red Country said his emergence as a marker of the Leatherface, well who I confused, forest lies the equally remote Shaddys wrote Blueberry Creek and Red Country, why her mark there there?? Nyoott lah .. Maybe it's just the effect of blue light cassette jam talaga. Because until now I have not temuin.

      Ahh that's just talaga coyy MOD. This is in the area Shaddys Creek, Mount Chilliad and Las Venturas, if i use cheat sich directly talaga already there tuh ufo.

14.Body Bag
     In the area of ​​Verdant Meadows runway ujang a hole which contains the mysterious dark matter.

Figure 15.Misterious in Ghost City
       This is an additional figure in ghost city. ghost city locations in El Castillo Del Diablo, Las Venturas / desert. This figure does not attack and can be seen for a few seconds and then disappeared. at 22:00.

16.Bunga misfortune
     Ni friend who temuin gw, try ente into the El Castillo Del Diablo in his woods there is a house in front of which there are 2 nyee cemetery, amid her flowers, if you take tuh flowers, later there will be a plane befallen you.

17.Easter Eggs
     This one also i do not understand what its purpose just says "There are no easter eggs up here. Go away" in San Fierro red bridge.

18.Strange Call
     Well that was i confused, it says if we nyelesai'in mission and have not had a girlfriend then at 3:33 where you are there will be a mysterious phone call, but who I really confused at the picture at 3:35 nyaa

19.Strange Telephone Number
     This number is in save Madd Dogs mansion house, nyaa number 333-747123,, i ve ne phone but the customer says 'that you input the wrong number'

20.Cluckin Bell in Fort Carson
      I do not think it strange, but when i see in google, it said it was strange about Cluckin Bell that one of her cap at 12 malem

21.Ghost Grafitty
     Now that i have not met, Now that this is an image that sometimes ilang grafitty sometimes appear, grafitty midnight is going to show up but if you want to head in the morning - afternoon not there, do not know where ni her area.

22.Ghost Car
     If according to the Mod i is the same effect, it is there in the woods Shaddys creek, said people can walk by myself, i continue to shaddys forest creek, APA who I met?? Lots of broken car in the woods like that do not even work there, even if there was just a sham talaga i think because his car in the area that its land sloping, well if i ever nemuin friend, his tapes Karnet emang've MOD full version.

     Well that can reply to you that i jelasin curious with this mystery, sory i not use an image problem nyaa ngeberatin Myspace blog ni is mystery, there had always been his real GTA san andreas tapes, rockstar developer just morbidly aware but there employees who enter this mystery into the games they will be more exciting with the aim though and behavior, but now already removed and re-edited by the rockstar north as the developer, and the mystery was now already not there, but a lot of the fans GTA games that his modification with GTA games TSB SA version of Dragonball Z, Batman, Superman, pemaen balls, Armageddon, Upin-Ipin even, just different characters and story talaga but tetep same mission, and the advantages that tape already in GTA SA MOD is we can see the mysteries of the above, if original version (the original) that we have to buy the alpha version if the beta was already eliminated all its mysteries.

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