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- Cerita Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life SE ps2 (Bilingual)
Posted by : Seulgi
Januari 13, 2013
Jalan Cerita (menuju Mineral town)
Pemain akan mulai permainan ini di sebuah desa bernama Forget-Me-Not Valley Dan Kamu Akan Bertemu Dengan sahabat Mineral Town.
1. Awal Satu tahun lamanya
-Kamu memilih wanita yang ingin kamu nikahi, dan nikahi dia di akhir bagian. (Muffy,
Nami atau Celia)
-Akhirnya kamu memiliki segalanya untuk menjalankan pertanian, dan tujuanmu di
bagian ini adalah membuat pertanian milikmu menjadi lebih baik, jangan lupa
perlengkapi semua peralatan dan binatang.
-Kamu bisa memulai dengan menjalin persahabatan dengan penduduk desa,
persahabatan itu akan berakhir seumur hidup.
2. Happy Birthday
-Dua tahun
-Dimulai sekitar 3 tahun setelah berakhirnya bagian pertama Kamu dan istrimu akan
memiliki seorang anak dan bisa bermain bersamanya.
Rumahmu harus direnovasi
Anakmu bertambah besar, jadi belikan dia baju baru yang lebih besar
-Grant, Samantha, dan Kate sudah pindah
-Van menjual mainan untuk anakmu, dan kambing juga.
-Kamu bisa mendapatkan Seed Maker di bagian ini
-Kamu juga bisa mendapatkan Tartan di bagian ini
-Bebek mulai muncul di sini
-Galen sudah pindah
3. Happy Harvesting
-Tiga tahun
-Dimulai beberapa tahun setelah bagian 2
-Anakmu sudah semakin besar, kamu bisa memberinya hadiah
-Rumahmu perlu direnovasi lagi
-Hugh sudah menjadi remaja. Baju dan perilakunya mulai berubah
-Lumina beranjak dewasa. Baju dan nada yang dia mainkan sudah berubah
-Kamu dapat membeli Daachan dari Van
-Reruntuhannya sudah bertambah
4. Happy Farm Life
-Dua tahun
-Dimulai beberapa tahun setelah berakhirnya bagian ke-3
-Anakmu sudah remaja
-Rumahmu menjadi lebih besar
-Kamu sudah berumur, seperti kebanyakan orang di lembah tersebut
-Hugh dan Kate sudah dewasa. Baju dan tingkah lakunya berubah
-Reruntuhannya juga sudah bertambah lagi
5. The Journeying Chapter (Tabidachi no Shou)
-Setahun lamanya
-Mulai beberapa tahun setelah berakhirnya bagian 4
-Anakmu sudah dewasa
-Reruntuhannya semakin besar
-Anakmu jatuh cinta dengan Kate atau Lumina (jika kamu tidak menikahinya)
6. The Twilight Chapter (Tasogaru no Shou)
-Satu tahun
-Kamu makin tua, nih!
-Semua orang di sekitarmu juga sudah menua
-Anakmu sudah membuat kepastian dengan jalan hidupnya
Story Road (towards Mineral town)
Players will start the game in a village called Forget-Me-Not Valley And You Will Meet With friends Mineral Town.
1. The early years
-You choose the woman you want to marry, and marry him at the end of the section. (Muffy,
Nami or Celia)
-Finally, you have everything to run the farm, and goals in
This section is to make yours a better farm, do not forget
equip all equipment and animals.
-You can start by making friends with the villagers,
friendship would end lifetime.
2. Happy Birthday
-Two years
-Starting about 3 years after the end of the first part you and your wife will
have a child and can play with him.
Your home should be renovated
Your son is growing up, so he bought a new, bigger clothes
-Grant, Samantha, and Kate have moved
-Van sells toys for your child, and goats as well.
-You can get the Seed Maker in this section
-You can also get Tartan in this section
-Duck began to appear here
-Galen has moved
3. Happy Harvesting
-Three years
-Started a few years after part 2
-Your child gets older, you can give a gift
-Your house needs to be renovated again
-Hugh was a teenager. Dress and behavior began to change
-Lumina growing up. Clothes and tone that he played had changed
-You can buy Daachan of Van
-The ruins have grown
4. Happy Farm Life
-Two years
-Started a few years after the end of the third section
-Your daughter is older
-Your home becomes larger
-You lived, like most people in the valley
-Hugh and Kate are adults. Dress and behavior change
-The ruins also been increased again
5. The journeying Chapter (Tabidachi no Shou)
A year-long
-Starting a few years after the end of part 4
-Your daughter has grown
-Your son fell in love with Kate or Lumina (if you do not them)
6. The Twilight Chapter (Tasogaru no Shou)
-One year
-You get older, ya!
-All the people around you are also aging
-Your daughter has made the assurance to the way of life
-Anakmu sudah membuat kepastian dengan jalan hidupnya
Story Road (towards Mineral town)
Players will start the game in a village called Forget-Me-Not Valley And You Will Meet With friends Mineral Town.
1. The early years
-You choose the woman you want to marry, and marry him at the end of the section. (Muffy,
Nami or Celia)
-Finally, you have everything to run the farm, and goals in
This section is to make yours a better farm, do not forget
equip all equipment and animals.
-You can start by making friends with the villagers,
friendship would end lifetime.
2. Happy Birthday
-Two years
-Starting about 3 years after the end of the first part you and your wife will
have a child and can play with him.
Your home should be renovated
Your son is growing up, so he bought a new, bigger clothes
-Grant, Samantha, and Kate have moved
-Van sells toys for your child, and goats as well.
-You can get the Seed Maker in this section
-You can also get Tartan in this section
-Duck began to appear here
-Galen has moved
3. Happy Harvesting
-Three years
-Started a few years after part 2
-Your child gets older, you can give a gift
-Your house needs to be renovated again
-Hugh was a teenager. Dress and behavior began to change
-Lumina growing up. Clothes and tone that he played had changed
-You can buy Daachan of Van
-The ruins have grown
4. Happy Farm Life
-Two years
-Started a few years after the end of the third section
-Your daughter is older
-Your home becomes larger
-You lived, like most people in the valley
-Hugh and Kate are adults. Dress and behavior change
-The ruins also been increased again
5. The journeying Chapter (Tabidachi no Shou)
A year-long
-Starting a few years after the end of part 4
-Your daughter has grown
-Your son fell in love with Kate or Lumina (if you do not them)
6. The Twilight Chapter (Tasogaru no Shou)
-One year
-You get older, ya!
-All the people around you are also aging
-Your daughter has made the assurance to the way of life